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abridge edition中文是什么意思

用"abridge edition"造句"abridge edition"怎么读"abridge edition" in a sentence


  • [网络] 节本


  • This is an abridged edition of " war and peace "
  • I am reading an abridged edition of pride and prejudice
  • Wilson, e . o . sociobiology, the abridged edition . cambridge, mass . : belknap press of harvard univ . press, 1980
  • The manuscript of secret copy of materia medica ( scmm ) ? ? wang shutian duplication of scmm is an abridged edition but not an incomplete one
  • The host bears fifteen ministry of education plan funds projects ( 2001 2005 ) " 20 centuries chinese society changes and the studying of chinese appellation develops " ( the batch number is : 01 ja740031 ), in addition, he participates in the " chinese appellation big dictionary " " chinese big dictionary abridged editions " " china body of classical writings-- the folk custom canon " and some other province part level and state-class problem
用"abridge edition"造句  
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